viernes, 9 de agosto de 2013

Mericcup vídeo de una historia :D

Hola hola! >__<  Aquí os traigo un viedo muy bien hecho de la pareja de Merida y Hiccup!
Realmente me ha encantado =3

Historia: Merida es perseguida por un oso en el bosque. Hiccup que pasaba por ahí volando con desdentao ( chimuelo ) mata al oso y la salva.

Hiccup la ayuda a levantarse y le da de cenar. Merida esta impresionada de que el chico que le ha salvado pueda domar un dragón. Merida se acerca a desdentao y le acaricia dándole las gracias  y así asegurando su confianza. Luego se acerca a Hiccup y le agradece que la haya salvado.
Hiccup y ella montan con desdentao para buscar a Angus, el caballo de Merida y cuando lo encuentran se despiden y cada uno vuelve a su casa.
Cuando Merida llega a su pueblo ve que esta siendo atacado y con su arco intenta defender la comida. De pronto Hiccup aparece para ayudarla y se dan cuenta que viven en el mismo pueblo.

A partir de entonces se van viendo y empieza su romance. Hasta que un día la madre de Merida le dice que se tiene que casar, ella no quiere pero esta obligada a asistir a la celebración para ver a los tres candidatos. Se va a su habitación enfadada y se da cuenta que ama a Hiccup.

En la celebración Merida ve a Hiccup entre la multitud y se acerca diciéndole que ella no quiere esto y que esta enamorada de él. Pero Hiccup dice que él no la merece porque solo es un herrero. Le pide que lo olvide y se disculpa por haberle traído tantos problema a Merida. Esa misma noche ambos piensan en el uno con el otro . A la mañana siguiente la celebración se acabara y se dirá quién será el esposo de Merida. Ella mientras mira a la multitud piensa en Hiccup por ultima vez...


Merida is searching for Angus so she can return home, though is chased by a bear through the woods. Hiccup who is nearby on Toothless spots her and rushes to help, killing the bear. Hiccup gives a shaken up Merida some dinner to calm her down, Merida watches and is surprised at Hiccup's talent of taming dragons. She goes over to Toothless and he lets her pet him, assuring her trust. Merida then goes to Hiccup and thanking him for helping her and complimenting his drawing of Toothless.
Hiccup gives Merida a ride to the last spot she saw Angus, she then goes back home and so does Hiccup. Later that night, Merida's village is under attack by dragons. She goes out to help defend the food they're stealing only to bump into Hiccup. They both discover they actually live in the same village. This allows both of them to spend more time together and also with Toothless. Hiccup soon becomes attracted to Merida and the same with Merida. Though they're both unsure about these romantic feelings. 
Just by bad luck, Merida finds out that her mother is putting her into an arranged marriage. She bursts out the room in anger, as she already has fallen for Hiccup. The next morning 3 different candidates arrive at the village. Merida is forced to attend by her mother, she looks out to the crowd and spots Hiccup, and she is guilt stricken. Afterwards she goes over to Hiccup explaining her mother's plans and how she doesn't wish to go through with it. She hugs him and tells him she loves him, Hiccup however believing because he is only a blacksmith and her a princess he isn't worthy. So he tells her to forget about him and apologizes for giving her so much trouble. When he is called, he walks away leaving her alone. That night they both think of one another and Hiccup regrets hurting her. The morning comes, and the day of who is determined to be Merida's husband. As the event starts, Merida thinks of Hiccup one last time.

Ugh! Que triste ! T_T Pero la verdad es que el video me encanto XD Esta super bien hecho, así que aquí os lo dejo! ;) Haber que os parece ¿? x3

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